How to fix rounded shoulders and how long it takes

Rounded shoulders is a condition brought about by incorrect standing or sitting postures over an extended period. In most cases, rounded shoulders are painless with the exception of a few symptoms such as back pain, stiffness, and muscle fatigue. However, the most visible symptom is the forward head posture or a hunchback.

If you are suffering from rounded shoulders, there are several ways to reverse the condition. Treatment depends on the type of kyphosis, but non-surgical treatment is the most common. Here are some of the most common methods for treating rounded shoulders:


Since rounded shoulders come from muscles being trained to form a hunched posture, they can be retrained to attain the correct resting position. Engage in gym exercises such as door chest stretches, handclasp, shoulder blade squeeze, planks, and pull-ups for at least 20-30 minutes daily.

Check this too: How Do You Sleep With Kyphosis?

The time needed to restore your posture may vary depending on the exercise, intensity, and how much time you dedicate to the process. It may take some time to notice the difference, but with a little effort, you should notice an improvement.


Back braces work by training your body to stay in a certain posture. Unlike exercises or a visit to a chiropractor, you can wear braces the entire day. However, it is worth noting that fixing your posture won’t be done overnight. You need to put in the conscious effort and train your muscles to attain the correct position for better posture.

We recommend the Toros-Group posture corrector for ladies and the Vriksasana corrector for both men and ladies. Depending on what you need, we have created a guide for choosing the best posture brace for rounded shoulders.

Although it might be uncomfortable to wear a posture corrector during the early days, you’ll get used to it over time. The braces will help you to regain your posture within 2 weeks to 1 or 2 months.


Surgery isn’t often recommended unless you have an extreme case of rounded shoulders. However, when it happens, it can produce significant effects, especially when it is complemented with chiropractic activities and other corrective therapies and lifestyle changes. Posture correction through surgery takes longer to completely heal compared to other methods.

Check this too: How to Fix Uneven Shoulders

While any of the above-mentioned methods can help with posture correction, it is always ideal to consider each one of them carefully before you make your decision. You should also engage in activities such as yoga and attain proper sitting and sleep positions to correct your head posture.