How to Patch an Air Mattress

An air mattress can make a comfortable bed, but when punctured it can seem useless. Before you consider getting a new mattress, there are ways to fix it and save some money. This is a step-by-step guide on how to patch an air mattress fast.

If you are certain the mattress has a leak, then the first thing to do before anything else is to find out where it is losing air from. I am saying this because air mattresses will naturally lose air and will need to be re-inflated whether or not they have a leak. Inflate it fully, and if it is severely deflated after several minutes, then your mattress likely has a leak.

How to Find a Leak in an Air Mattress

Using soapy water is one of the best ways to find a leak, even though some manufacturers warn that it can lead to mold and mildew. Here is how to find a hole in an air mattress using soapy water.

What you need:

  • A bucket
  • A sponge
  • Liquid dishwashing soap

Steps to follow:

  • Start by filling the bucket with water and about 1 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap.
  • Using the sponge, slowly wipe down the surface of your mattress with soapy water. You can start with the area near the valve, then the seams, underside and follow by the top side.
  • As you wipe down, watch out for bubbles, and should they form, you have found your leak.
  • Use a clean sponge to wipe away the soap when you are done. Dry the area near the leak and mark it with a pen.
  • Deflate your mattress and leave it in the sun for a few hours to dry before proceeding to the next step of fixing the leak.

How to Fix an Air Mattress with a Patch Kit

Before you start repairing a punctured mattress, make sure you get yourself the best air mattress repair kit. A typical patch kit contains sandpaper, glue, and patches for air mattresses, bike tires, and tents.

  • Ensure your mattress is completely deflated. If there was some air in it, let it all out.
  • Use sandpaper to remove any soft felt (flock) near your hole until you only have plastic surrounding your leak.
  • Clean the area around the leak using soapy water and then dry it completely.
  • Cut out a patch about one and half times bigger than the hole. If pre-cut patches, use one with 1-2 centimeters of space around the hole itself.
  • Following the manufacturer’s instructions, apply your patch smoothly ensuring you cover the leak entirely. Avoid taking it off and reapplying it as this will make it less sticky.
  • Afterward, firmly press down on the patch while applying even pressure for about 30 seconds.
  • Then give it about 2-3 hours for the glue to dry on the patch. You can keep the pressure on it by laying a heavy, flat object on top of the patch.
  • After it has dried, inflate your mattress and check if there are any leaks by placing your ear next to the patch and listen for escaping air.

What Else Can I Use to Patch an Air Mattress?

A tire patch made for bicycles can also be effective for an air mattress, especially if you are dealing with a small hole. You can also use duct tape, though this is only effective in the short term as it will eventually dry out and fall off.

Check this too: Best Mattress Topper for Hip Pain

It is that simple! Hopefully, this guide helps you patch your air mattress without any problems. Also, remember to use a patch kit that works on plastic or vinyl for your PVC mattress repair.
